How to Improve Self-Discipline: Lessons from Ryan Holiday


Self-discipline is often seen as a key factor in achieving success and reaching goals. In a video discussing actionable strategies to improve self-discipline, Ryan Holiday shared valuable insights that can help individuals stay consistent and focused on their objectives. Here are some key takeaways from his advice:

1. Focus on Your Main Thing:

Ryan emphasizes the importance of identifying your main goal or priority in life. By focusing on a few key things rather than spreading yourself too thin, you can channel your energy and efforts towards what truly matters. This approach helps in maintaining clarity and consistency in your actions.

2. Progress Over Perfection:

Instead of aiming for perfection, strive for progress. Ryan suggests that taking small steps consistently is more effective than trying to do everything perfectly from the start. By setting achievable goals and celebrating small wins, you can build momentum and stay motivated on your journey.



3. Balance Between Higher and Lower Self:

Recognize the internal conflict between your higher and lower self. Rather than suppressing certain impulses or desires, acknowledge them and find a middle ground. By understanding and integrating different aspects of your personality, you can make more balanced decisions and stay disciplined.

4. Establish Routine and Flexibility:

Creating a routine or structure around your goals can help in maintaining discipline. However, it’s essential to balance structure with flexibility. Allow room for adjustments and adaptability in your approach to avoid rigidity that can lead to burnout. Finding a middle ground between consistency and adaptability is key to long-term success.

5. Stick to Your Method:

Consistency is key to achieving success in any endeavor. Ryan suggests sticking to a proven method or system over time rather than constantly seeking new tools or strategies. By committing to a specific approach and staying dedicated to it, you can build habits that support your goals and improve your self-discipline.


In conclusion, improving self-discipline requires a combination of focus, progress-oriented mindset, self-awareness, routine, flexibility, and commitment to a chosen method. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can enhance your discipline, stay consistent, and make significant progress towards your goals. 

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